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eZine marketing


Advertising is an essential part of any successful business. Unless you are able to bring your product to market and let customers know what you have to offer then they will never know that they can buy from you. The Internet provides an excellent opportunity to deliver targeted messages to your customers. eZines or newsletters are one way in which you can effectively market online. An online magazine, or eZine, can be tailored to meet the particular interests of a subgroup of your customers - a group of people that you know are already interested in your product. This makes them more likely to read your newsletter and buy your product.

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How to Deliver Technical Support that Delights the End User

In his 1980 book, The Winding Passage, Daniel Bell notes that "Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination".  An IT professional is called to find electronic solutions to real world problems that exist in the workplace.  This requires a unique blend of creativity and logical thinking.  However we as information technologists must not lose sight that information systems and technology are actually just business tools.  They are the means to an end, rather than being an independent "end" in themselves.

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Computer support

Good online technical support is provided by technicians who are prepared to do more than solve your immediate problem. By creating rapport with customers and understanding their exact needs an effective technician will be able to identify a holistic and sustainable solution to your computing needs. Because technicians have wide general experience in working with computer problems they are able to help you understand the technology in front of you and find ways to improve how you use it.

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4 ways to turn Page Views into Sales

pageview-sales"I found your website so easily. Here, take all my money."

A website can only be successful in generating sales if visitors stay on it long enough to receive your message and then find it appealing enough to act on it. Improving your online earnings requires a careful approach to web design that blends a number of disciplines - graphic design, marketing, and technical skills.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services are becoming increasingly well recognized as an important aspect of the success of a website. As the name suggests SEO is the process of making your website more competitive and promoting it on the Internet. The Internet is quickly becoming a place where people look for information about products and make their purchases. Your website needs to attract people and retain their interest. If your site offers quality content then search engines will display it more prominently in their results. Hiring an SEO specialist can give you the best opportunities to maximize the benefits of your website.

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SEO - Building sustainable traffic

The art of "link building' is one of the most popular ways that experienced webmasters use to boost their traffic.  Link building is the practice of finding other sites that are willing to link to your site.  Not only does this help to improve your search engine rankings, but you may also enjoy an increase in traffic as people click these links.  Unfortunately spammers and other blackhat search engine optimizing companies started to generate meaningless links to their sites.  They would use computer programs to automatically register accounts on blogs and forums and then use these accounts to link back to their site.  In response to this Google (and subsequently other search engines) implemented a way for webmasters to mark links as being worthless - the "nofollow" link.  When a search engine encounters a link that is marked as "nofollow" they do not count it as being valuable for their search engine rankings.  This makes it more difficult to build quality links to your site.

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